just my little corner of the internet in which to bare my soul about this bear of a journey

Friday, December 2, 2011


Wow, it's been over a month since my last blog post.  Oops!

Last week I got to go back to my family house for Thanksgiving for the first time in 3 years.  It is unbelievable how time flies so fast.  Anyway, Fatima, Dhuzer, Raison, and I made the 11 hour drive on Wednesday and mom picked us up at Fatima's.  The next 4 days were a blur of food, family, and shopping.  With a little study time thrown in of course :)

Thanksgiving really makes me scratch my head about and feel bad for vegetarians.  I mean, I guess I feel bad for the turkeys too, but it's not like EVERY day is Turkey Day, ha!  I am an unabashed and unapologetic omnivore.  I don't have a wide repertoire but I do love my animals roasted, grilled, fried, baked...um, I think I must be hungry.  Oh well veggie people, more protein for me!

At our Thanksgiving table we had yours truly, mom, dad, Nuha, Tiara, Dhuzer, Hannah, Maryam, Roman, Roman's Babushka, Dhuzer, Ben, and Nana.  The three furbabies tried desperately to stay, but we kept them on the other side of the duplex while we ate (don't worry, they still got lots of turkey!)  Mike was sorely missed, as was Peepa.  It's still odd not to have Aunt Deb with us on Thanksgiving but it doesn't feel bitter anymore.  Peepa could have come down from the VA Home with Nana, but it wouldn't have meant anything to him and we can't really take care of him on our own for two days.  Nana is the only person who Peepa still really knows.  But we were lucky to have Nana spend the night at Aunt Deb's so we got to see her for awhile.  It was so lovely having Nana with us on Thanksgiving because at 86 we truly don't know how many more Thanksgivings she's got in her.  I am so thankful that at 27 years old I still have all four of my grandparents alive, alhumduliAllah. 

Nana and me


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