just my little corner of the internet in which to bare my soul about this bear of a journey

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Your morning, my night

So I'm really happy for Mike pursuing his dreams in Singapore and everything, but this long distance marriage really stinks sometimes.  In my opinion, the 12-hour time difference is the real killer.  It hit me when I was walking Raison at 5:30pm today and all I wanted to do was talk to Mike.  I couldn't.  Because he was asleep, as all people not working 3rd shift or praying Fajr should be at 5:30am.  We never have a conversation where one of us isn't tired.  I really feel like this would be so much easier if we weren't on such opposite sides of the planet.  Even an 8 hour time difference would be better.

I must acknowledge that I know how incredibly grateful we are to have Skype, Vonage, Blackberry, our health.  These few short months of separation have really made my heart go out to all the military families whose separations are so much longer, not to mention perilous.  My thoughts and prayers are with those who are separated from their loved ones, especially if their return is unknown.



    Fortunately, I'm not tired at the end of the day - I'm tired at the beginning. So when I am going to bed, you are usually in your early to mid-afternoon, so that's helpful. :)

    Yeah, this different life situation does make me reflect - on us, on me, on it all. While it's hard, it's sort of terrific in that way. Not that anyone wants sadness in their lives, but a rounded life has it all. Now we've got more of "it all", and the pendulum will (hopefully) swing in the better direction as we continue moving forward. (that's not to say things are bad, but things would obviously be better/easier/happier if we were together.) The sensation of time is different as well. My days are busy, no surprise, but nevertheless, the speed at which the time seems to be going by rocks me. I've been here almost 3 months already! So time will continue to race by and in no time, we'll be back together! Love you!

  2. So the "reply to comment" link isn't working, I'll have to deal with that later.

    Yes, I forgot to mention that the only reason the 12 hour time difference hasn't driven me completely insane is because you, Mike, are a complete and total nightowl. One could even say you are Batman-esque ;-P If you didn't routinely stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning your time, I really have no idea when we would talk. And yes, time is flying by. Here's to 7.5 weeks! Love you!
