just my little corner of the internet in which to bare my soul about this bear of a journey

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday nights

Tuesday has always been my favorite night of the week.  Why?  Because from 8pm till midnight I get to listen to Progressive Torch & Twang on the Impact, my favorite college radio station.  I've been listening on Tuesday nights for many, many years now.  Thank God they broadcast online so the move to NJ didn't interrupt my listening schedule.  Not too many people share my deep love for bluegrass and alternative country, but the folks over at Torch & Twang sure do.

Now, in grad school, Tuesday nights generally otherwise stink.  Especially this semester, with Stats and memos on Wednesdays.  But with Torch & Twang, Tuesday nights are more bearable and actually, dare I say, enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS MIKE --

    So let's see - Tuesday nights for you are...Wednesday mornings for me. Help me remember next week and maybe we can listen at the same time :)

    (By the way - I'm posting as Anonymous because I haven't set up an account on here. Yet. :) )
